Weight Loss The SANE WAY
By: Lisa Mair
  • Decide to lose weight.
  • Engage in extreme calorie deprivation and punishing workouts.
  • Lose some weight.
  • Relax and enjoy life.
  • Regain the weight.
  • Repeat.

Doesn’t this fall under the popular definition of insanity - doing something over and over and expecting a different result? It’s not only insane, but it’s making us miserable. And it might even be making it harder to lose weight in the long run.

Clearly this diet approach isn’t working as well as we had hoped. The reason it’s not working is weight loss is much more complex than just simple calorie math. We also have to take into account hormones, habits, stress, toxins, sleep, nutrition, meal timing, and food sensitivities. This list might make you want to run screaming, but the good news is that although the biochemistry is complex, there are simple nutrition and lifestyle solutions that can really help most people permanently reach thinner peace.

Research shows that most of us would benefit from eating more fiber and antioxidant rich veggies, drinking more water, reducing sugar, gluten, and simple carbs, chewing better, eating in a more relaxed way, spending a few hours not eating between meals, detoxing, sleeping better ... etc. All of that makes a big difference, especially when addressed in conjunction with additional lifestyle choices.

We guide you through all of these in 2020 Vitality, so they work synergistically to give you better, healthier, and more long term results than starving yourself and doing Cross Fit three times a day. And not only that, you reduce your risk of chronic disease and feel AMAZING!

To learn more about 2020 Vitality, click here. Let 2020 be your year!