What is the 2020 Vitality Program?
2020 Vitality was designed for people who want to feel better but don’t really know where to start. This fun and educational program offers 52 weekly topics that will inspire, educate, and motivate you to make small, easy steps towards vibrant wellness. Each lesson is bite sized and easy to digest, so you can fit it in to your busy week. And it’s not just the WHAT but the HOW, so you’ll know exactly how to move forward.
  • Weekly Program
  • Fantastic Recipes
  • Videos and Audios

  • Vitality Community
  • Guest Experts
Who is it for?
This program is perfect for anyone who struggles with excess weight, cravings, digestive issues, stress, fatigue, trouble sleeping, aches and pains, brain fog, or accelerated aging. It may also help to prevent chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disease, and even cancer. If you already have these diseases, 2020 Vitality may even help to reverse your condition. If you would like support in taking simple, small, consistent steps towards better nutrition and lifestyle habits, this program is for you!
Weight Loss
Permanent, healthy weight loss involves much more than just reducing calories. Different foods affect our metabolism in vastly different ways. Stress, habits, chemicals, and timing also play a huge role. We discuss all of this throughout the year to help you increase your metabolism and lose excess weight without doing crazy or extreme diets.
Improved Health
Our risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, dementia, is very dependent on what we eat and how we live. Many people fear that they’ll have to give up all of the things they enjoy to get healthy again. But it’s more about balance. Adopting healthy habits and improving your nutrition makes you more resilient to occasional indulgences.
More Energy
We have a silent epidemic of fatigue. It’s silent because everyone’s home napping! 2020 Vitality highlights the common energy drains and also features foods and practices that restores your energy so you can start enjoying life fully again.
How does it work?
Every week features an important, yet simple, easy to digest health topic. It will include a short written section, and additional supportive material including video, audio, printable documents, and/or related recipes. We also offer “homework” suggestions to help you integrate the concept into your daily life. There’s also a community discussion board where you can ask questions, share your experiences, and connect with others. It’s easy, it’s fun, and over the course of the year, you’ll make significant progress toward optimal health!
What's the investment?
It’s only $4/week - less than a cup of fancy coffee! Join now. We feel that everyone deserves to be healthy. If you want to participate in 2020 Vitality, but are not financially in a position to pay for it, please contact us and we’ll discuss options with you.
Your 2020 Vitality Wellness Team
We connected to create this program out of our shared interest and passion for natural health and helping patients and clients to feel their absolute best. Between the three of us, we draw from our education and experience in Medicine, Nutrition, Health Coaching, Natural Food Cooking, Yoga, Stress Reduction, and Fitness. We know from experience - our own and that of our patients and clients - how applying concepts from these disciplines can make you feel SO happy, energized, and truly enjoy your life, not just free from disease, but brimming with life!
Lisa Mair
MS Nutrition
Charlotte Ott
Natural Foods Chef
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can I sign up for the program late?
Yes! You can sign up anytime during the year. Your program will start where we’re at in the year, so that you'll be in alignment with the seasons and holidays. Your membership will be for one full year, so that you can follow along week to week, without having to catch up. You will also have full access to any lessons since January 1st, so you can actually refer to them before ahead of time.
What kind of results can I expect from this program?
In a nutshell, you can expect to feel better in every way! If you’re struggling with excess weight or a chronic issue, our foundational health recommendations will help to bring your biochemistry back into healthy balance; optimizing nutrition, reducing inflammation, improving metabolism, reducing oxidative stress, optimizing digestion, balancing the immune system, and more. Since these parameters are at the root of almost all disease, obesity, and lack of vitality, improving them therefore elevates your health in almost every way. So depending on your unique situation, you may notice weight loss, better immunity, more energy, better skin, better sleep, reduction in symptoms, potentially being able to reduce medications under your doctor’s supervision, and you’ll probably even feel happier since overall health is intimately connected to mental health. We could go on and on, but you get the picture!
Can I do this program if I am on blood thinners?
You can increase the amount of green leafy vegetables you eat but you have to do this in a consistent way. Please let your health care professional who manages your Coumadin/Warfarin know that you are planning to eat more green leafy vegetables on a regular basis.
If I'm on a low salt diet, can I do this program?
Yes, but please reduce or omit the salt in our recipes, according to your doctor's recommendations.
Can I do this program if I'm (pre)diabetic?
Yes, but you may wish to reduce or omit the natural sweeteners that are part of some of our recipes. If you're taking medication like Metformin or insulin, you may need less as you follow the program. Please monitor your blood sugar carefully and work with your doctor to adjust your medications as necessary.
Is exercise a part of this program?
We do recommend regular physical activity. But don't let that scare you. There are so many options that most people will be able to increase their activity gently and enjoyably, even when there are limitations. Our bodies were made to move, and they reward us when we do. If you are absolutely unable to engage in any physical activity, you can still benefit greatly from the other parts of this program. In fact, they become even more important in the absence of exercise.
Are supplements part of this program?
No. We may refer to some supplements that can be helpful in certain situations, but they aren't part of this program.
Do I need to cook?
You don't have to, but we highly encourage it. We hope to inspire you to try out our healthy, easy to prepare recipes. We created some videos in our own kitchens so you can see how easy, and fun it is! Also, did you know that research shows that the biggest predictor of health is not socioeconomic status, but how often we cook at home. We have a chef on our team who will show you the right way to do it! But also, Lisa is pretty much a hack in the kitchen, but she somehow can still make yummy, healthy dinners regularly. If she can do it, you can too!
I already eat healthy.
It's wonderful that you are already including healthy foods in your diet! In this program, we discuss the importance of optimizing digestion, to improve the absorption of all of the great nutrients you're consuming. It's not just what you eat, it's what you eat, digest, and absorb. Also, there are many ideas of what constitutes a healthy diet, and this program will increase your awareness and knowledge even more.
I'm really busy. I'm not sure I have time for this.
We created this program with you in mind! Each week, there is just one short lesson that will take you only a few minutes to read, watch, or listen to. We offer suggestions for "homework" that will help you integrate the lesson into your life in an easy and efficient way. Unlike school, homework is optional, but we highly encourage it because it will maximize your benefits.
I can’t afford to eat healthy.
Yes you absolutely can, and we’ll show you how! In fact, being healthy is WAY less expensive than chronic disease. Fewer copays, less medication, less missed work… That all adds up big time! Plus, let's not forget that health is our greatest wealth!
I have a nut allergy - can I still participate?
Yes you can! Some of our recipes indeed have nuts because they are generally a very healthy option, with the protein, healthy fats, fiber, and minerals. However, where possible in our recipes, we’ll offer alternative options for nuts or if it’s okay to just omit it.
I have issues with gluten (Celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, prefer to avoid it) - can I still participate?
You are safe with us! Most if not all of our recipes are actually gluten-free because many people just feel better without gluten. There will be a little sign in the upper right hand corner of the recipe stating GF (for gluten-free). On the other hand, if you do not mind eating gluten or have no problems associated with gluten, please feel free to substitute the grains in our recipes with a whole grain of your choice that contains gluten (like whole wheat, spelt, rye, or barley).
I don’t tolerate dairy products (allergy, sensitivity, lactose intolerance) - can I still participate?
You are safe with us! Most if not all of our recipes are dairy-free because many people just feel better without dairy. On the other hand, if you do not mind consuming dairy or have no problems associated with it, please feel free to substitute the dairy product of your choice in our recipes.